Earn More: The Best-Paying Jobs in the Philippines

The highest-paying occupations in the Philippines are spread throughout a wide variety of sectors. Although many are in banking, healthcare, and IT, many more high-paying jobs are available in other fields. We consider a variety of professions that pay well. We also discuss various courses and study areas that may be beneficial for each job.

Of course, there are many other things to consider apart from money while deciding on a profession. In addition to how much a career pays, you should evaluate if it is a good match for you. Don’t forget that workplace culture and the opportunity to have a work-life balance and personal interests and hobbies should be considered.


Aircraft pilots are in charge of the airplane’s control, direction, and general safety. It’s more than just sitting at the cockpit; they use data from the routes, environment, and commuters to create a flight plan. During the flight, they must also inform the cabin crew and interact with air traffic control. It is a high-level position with a lot of responsibility, and as such, it is one of the highest-paying occupations in the Philippines.

In the Philippines, the average pay for an airplane pilot is around Php2,365,574. To become a pilot, you must first get a certificate and license from the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP). It would help if you also met the criteria of the Aviation Training Organization (ATO). To get to this stage, you first must become a certified commercial pilot.

Finance Brokers

A financial broker is a specialist who helps sellers and buyers organize deals. They serve as a middleman between the two parties, enabling large-scale monetary operations. Finance brokers often deal with equities, but there are other options. Brokers may also help with loans, insurance, and currencies. In the Philippines, the median wage for a stockbroker is 350,000 pesos. To become a financial broker, you must first learn how markets operate and how to manage them.

A degree in a finance-related field is an excellent place to start. Following that, an internship or work experience with a company is the next stage. Although the path to the top may be difficult, it is one of the highest-paying professions in the Philippines.

Civil Engineers

Civil engineering is one of the six major disciplines of engineering. Professionals in this field are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining various infrastructure projects and services. Civil engineers collaborate on highways, pipelines, dams, and other similar structures for both the public and commercial sectors. In the Philippines, the median wage for a civil engineer is Php256,815.

civil engineers

To become a licensed civil engineer in the Philippines, you must first complete the five-year Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering program. Following that, you’ll need to pass the Civil Engineering Licensure Examination, which you may take after some on-the-job experience.


Actuaries are financial professionals who assess, manage, and advise on risk. They utilize statistics and probability to report and forecast future trends based on their understanding of companies and financial markets. Actuaries operate in a variety of economic fields, including banking, investing, and pensions. Because of the high need for qualified experts, it is one of the highest-paying occupations in the Philippines.

In the Philippines, the average actuary salary is Php364,503. It would be best if you began with a bachelor’s degree in either accounting or mathematics. A suitable postgraduate degree may also be advantageous. After that, you’ll need to pass exams to become a member of the Actuarial Society of the Philippines.

Human Resources

Human resources are the department of a business or organization in charge of personnel management and development. This encompasses all elements of the employee employment process, including recruitment, interviewing, hiring, and training. It also covers issues such as dispute resolution, fair labor standards, and workplace diversity. Having a properly functioning human resources department is essential since it fosters total employee happiness and loyalty.

On average, they may make between Php180,000 and Php250,000 per year. This department helps to create minor disagreements, more remarkable performance, and longer retention, saving businesses time and money. In addition, the HR department researches to guarantee competitive salaries and creates cost-effective strategies for negotiating competitive offers for employee compensation. Obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology degree is a good option if you want to join the HR department in the future.

Even fresh graduates can enjoy a variety of job opportunities in the Philippines even during the pandemic. Just be patient and you’re sure to find a career that suits you well.

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