Introduction to Business Ownership: First Steps

Starting a business is no small feat. It takes time, dedication, and a lot of hard work. In fact, only 80 percent of small businesses survive their first year. And if you ever want to make it to the five-year mark, there are some key elements you need to have in place before starting a business.

What are the ingredients for success in the world of entrepreneurship? Here is an overview of what you need before starting a venture.

Educational Background

A solid educational background can be invaluable in launching and running a successful business. You don’t necessarily need an MBA or other advanced degree—but some knowledge is essential.

The Senior High School curriculum’s Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand can be a great starting point. It can teach you essential concepts such as bookkeeping, market analysis, and general business operations. However, if you want to take your business acumen to the next level, consider taking college courses for ABM. This strategy will help you gain an edge in the competitive business world.

Having at least a basic understanding of accounting, taxation, finance, marketing, and other areas related to your industry can help you stay on top as you launch your business and keep it running smoothly. So, do your homework and ensure you have the educational background that will benefit your new venture.

Soft Skills

These skills aren’t taught in school but are essential for any entrepreneur. Communication skills, problem-solving abilities, organization skills, and the ability to collaborate are all crucial elements of success in any business venture. Soft skills can come in handy when dealing with customers or vendors, as well as during negotiations or other interactions with stakeholders.

But how can you learn and develop these skills? One way is to take classes or workshops on leadership, decision-making, communication, and public speaking topics. Practicing these skills in everyday life is essential. Stay organized, think about how you can best communicate with different people, and ask for feedback from people you trust. By doing these things, you can vastly improve your soft skills.

And when you have the necessary education and soft skills, you can go forth confidently when starting your business.

Financial Readiness

Starting a business requires financial resources—whether that’s money you’ve saved up over time or funds from investors or lenders. Having enough capital to cover startup costs and other expenses associated with starting your business is essential.

If you find yourself short on funds, you could secure a loan from a lender or look into investors. It’s important to research different options and understand the application process for loan programs or grants. You may also need to create a business plan or budget outlining your venture’s costs. Another option is to look into crowdfunding platforms, which allow you to raise money by requesting small donations from individuals.

Having a clear financial plan and understanding the resources available to you is key when starting a business. By taking the time to understand your options and do the research, you can ensure financial success for your venture.

a female loan officer dealing with an aspiring businesswoman

Determination and Motivation

Without determination and motivation, it’s easy to give up when things get complicated and when progress slows down. Being able to pick yourself up after setbacks or roadblocks is essential for entrepreneurs who want to succeed long-term in their businesses.

These two elements are necessary to stay motivated and keep going. Consider setting goals for yourself and tracking your progress—these techniques will help you stay focused and motivated. Additionally, make sure you have a support system in place of family, friends, or even fellow entrepreneurs who can help encourage you and provide guidance.

Starting a business isn’t easy, but if you have the inner drive and the courage to back it up, you can make your dreams a reality.


Having mentors who have been there before is a great strategy when starting a business. They can provide advice based on their own experiences, guidance on difficult decisions, and support during challenging times.

Finding someone willing to share their knowledge and experience can make all the difference in helping you grow your business into something great. So, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help from those in your network or even strangers.

At the end of the day, having a strong foundation of skills, financial resources, determination, and mentors will be crucial for your success when starting a business. Remember to take the time to do the research, build relationships, and make sure you have the right resources in place to get your venture off the ground. With this in mind, you can ensure a successful launch and business growth in the future.

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