Community Transformation

A local business owner giving parcel

5 Ways to Make the Community Central to Your Business’ Success

Community involvement is essential to a company’s success, from small businesses to large corporations. A business involved in its community establishes itself as a good neighbor, gains valuable publicity, and develops a better understanding of the needs of its customers. Here are some tips on how to make the community central to your business. Get […]

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a plane parked with the sun setting in the background

4 Considerations for Non-profits Purchasing a Private Plane

According to Statista, in 2016, about 1.54 million nonprofit organizations were present in the US. They range from small, local groups to large, national organizations, but all have one common goal: to help others. Nonprofit organizations rely heavily on donations to keep their doors open and their programs running. Many people are more likely to donate

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Five Ways to Make Your Community Friendly to Middle-Easterners

The United States is home to millions of immigrants. About 44 million foreign-born individuals are in the country, and many experts believe this number will continue to grow in the coming years. Among the growing immigrant population is middle eastern Americans. There are about 900,000 middle eastern Americans in the country, and it’s expected to

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Homeless man sitting alone on the street

Helping the Homeless: How Community Can Play a Significant Role

Homelessness is a significant problem in our society. It can be hard to know what to do to help those who are homeless, but there are ways that the community can come together to make a difference. In this article, we will explore ways that the community can help the homeless. Providing Necessities Providing necessities

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managing finances

Non-Profit’s Dilemma: Managing Financial Challenges

All types of organizations need to maintain a stable source of income to maintain operations. For non-profits, they have donors and other organizations to thank for their revenue. But then, numerous challenges can stop them from pursuing their mission. Financial Challenges of Running a Non-Profit There are a few key challenges that non-profits face regarding

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