Innovative Practices

woman studying

Pandemic Problems: How Communities are Handling Education

Education is crucial for any child. It’s a time when they learn about the world around them and develop their skills to succeed in life. It’s also a time when they can socialize with others, learn more about themselves, and discover the world’s hidden secrets. But the pandemic changed all that. It’s estimated that more […]

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a car wreck

Five Ways the United States Government Are Reducing Vehicular Accidents

Vehicular accidents are, unfortunately, a common occurrence in the United States. People are injured or killed in crashes on our nation’s roads and highways every day. The causes of these accidents can vary but often include things like drunk driving, distracted driving, and speeding. Unfortunately, it is the leading cause of death of children and

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Asian woman doing desk work in the living room at home

How to Start a Home-Based Online Business in 10 Steps

Starting a successful home-based online business can seem unimaginable if you’ve never done it before. But with enough planning and careful execution, it’s definitely doable. Even if you have no previous experience in online businesses, these ten steps will set you on the right path. Here’s what you can follow to increase your chances of

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a person with handcuffs

How the United States Government is Reducing Crime Rates in the Country

Crime rates are a considerable concern that many people have in today’s society. Many factors can influence crime rates, such as poverty and drug abuse. Another major contributor to the high crime rates is the pandemic, which causes people to act out in extreme ways. During the pandemic, crime rates were low due to quarantine

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money and education

The Importance of Quality Education in Today’s World

It is no secret that quality education is important in today’s world. The jobs of the future will require more and more specialized knowledge, and those who have access to quality education will be better prepared to compete in the global economy. Therefore, people these days should invest in quality education. For example, HUMSS strand

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Community-Based Small Companies: How to Thrive in 2022

Despite the continued emergence of Covid-19 variants, entrepreneurs in the United States have been unfazed. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that there were 430,411 applications for new business startups this January. This represents a 2.6 percent increase from December 2021. According to the White House, new business applications have increased by around 30 percent against

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