Where to Seek Help If You Suddenly Become Disabled

Whether it’s from an illness or an accident, suddenly having a physical disability is an extremely difficult change in and of itself. It can only take a bad fall, an untreated medical condition, or a crash on the highway to change your life forever, and it is never an easy thing to process.

Nevertheless, life doesn’t stop when you suddenly have a disability. There are many changes that you need to adapt to and a lot of challenges that are going to come your way, but there are also many sources for help and support that can ease some of your burdens, such as:

1. Social Security System

You’ve paid the Social Security System for years, and you were required to do so. Hence, it’s only right that you receive enough disability benefits for physical impairments that you deserve. So, the moment you sustain an injury or confirm a long-term disability with your doctor, seek assistance from the system as soon as you possibly can.

Unfortunately, the government works hard to deny claims or limit the disability benefits that people receive. Do not be surprised if you get a denial for your first application. However, all hope is not lost. If you are denied disability benefits, you can appeal the decision and hire a disability claim lawyer to increase your chances of approval.

2. Local community programs

They may be programs or services in your local community that aim to provide support to disabled individuals. These programs may offer financial assistance, food sources, job opportunities, mental health support, housing support, and other types of help that individuals with disabilities need the most.

Check with your local government to see if they offer such programs and if you qualify. You can also look at services offered by non-profit organizations, community centers, volunteer groups, and even local businesses to see if they can help you out.

3. Government health coverage

Medicaid provides free or low-cost medical benefits to disabled individuals. Medicaid, on the other hand, provides health insurance to individuals with certain disabilities and are under 65 years old. If you don’t qualify for disability benefits and need health coverage, you can seek options from the Affordable Care Act Marketplace.

woman and blind man

4. Your insurance company

If you have disability insurance, file a claim with your insurance company right away. Depending on the type of insurance you have, you may receive financial support for a certain amount of time.

There are two types of disability insurance: short-term insurance and long-term insurance. If you cannot earn an income because you are sick or injured, a short-term disability insurance policy will cover part of your income for a few months up to two years. A long-term disability insurance policy, on the other hand, will pay you for more than two years or until the disability ends.

However, a long-term policy may not last forever if you are permanently disabled. How long it lasts depends on your benefit period, which can be a certain number of months or years, or until you reach a certain age.

5. VA benefits

If you are a veteran, you can file a VA disability benefits claim when you become disabled or ill due to your service. In general, VA disability benefits compensation lasts as long as you are disabled or until you pass away. Moreover, if your disability is static, permanent, and is not likely to improve, you may not be required to undergo a re-examination.

See if you qualify for VA disability benefits as soon as possible. If you find that you do, make a claim right away since benefits may take some time to kick in. And if you have no other source of income, you’d need to get compensation as soon as possible.

6. Support groups

Living with a disability is challenging, especially if you have been able-bodied all your life and suddenly find yourself with physical limitations. It can take a toll on one’s physical health as well as mental. And in many cases, individuals with disabilities develop mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and PTSD (if the disability if was caused by a traumatic accident).

Even if you feel okay mentally, consider attending a support group for disabled individuals. Being with other people that understand what you are going through can make it easier for you to adjust to your new life, as well as help you build a support system along the way

Sudden physical disability can leave you unable to work, depressed, exhausted, and highly uncertain of the future. To make things at least a little easier, here are the best sources of benefits and support that you can reach out to aside from your friends and family.

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