Hobbies Schools Should Encourage Students to Have

A child needs at least one hobby as they’re growing up. They may not have this hobby until they’re an adult, but that’s okay. What matters is they’ve learned life skills in each hobby, as they can bring those with them anywhere they go.

But what kind of hobby should you encourage students to have? These are some options your school might want to focus on:


Wherever a child may end up, they’ll always need to write. Whether it’s for work or something more personal, this is a skill that gets developed with plenty of practice. Writing is a way to express thoughts, fears, and dreams without openly admitting to them. This helps even the timidest student in the class to channel their thoughts creatively. You may give them a chance to have their output published on the school paper, which will help them develop their self-esteem. It may even get them started thinking about their future, especially if they received compliments from what they’ve written. A simple investment in learning to write worksheets will go a long way in building bright and productive futures for your students.


A student may not have an extensive vocabulary that makes them want to pour time into writing, but they may have that artistic streak just waiting to be discovered. Of course, children will not be born with the skills of Van Gogh or Picasso. If you see a child doodling away, don’t make fun of their squiggly shapes and indecipherable objects. Rather, encourage them to practice and hone their skills. The whole class can go to an art museum where you can let the children sketch for the afternoon. It’s a break away from the rigorous school lessons but it’s something that students will treasure for a long time, especially if they end up pursuing a career in an artistic field. They wouldn’t get there if you killed their confidence and dream before it can fully form.

Dad and son fishing on lake


A school isn’t just there to help students excel in academics. You also want them to be healthy. That’s not limited to serving healthier food at the school cafeteria. Having programs for dance, sports, and other physical activities will encourage children to move and stay fit. The best part about dancing is it’s a whole-body workout but it doesn’t feel like one. Unlike sports, which require warm-up that is, basically, exercise, dance is more fun for students. It’s also expressive and it can even be rooted in their love for other things. For instance, if a student is a fan of a professional dancer, they may incorporate that person’s style in developing their own. They may also take a beloved song and create their own dance interpretation of it. It’s a form of self-expression and a way to stay fit rolled into one.


Another way to teach children to live a healthier life, cooking shows them that they can prepare good food instead of resorting to junk food. Meal preparation is a skill that students will find useful in college and even beyond. You may argue that this is something they need to learn at home, but in some households, parents are too busy and tired from working that they don’t have the time to teach their children.

You’ll never run out of skills to teach children and prepare them for the future. Choose those with plenty of practical use and your students will surely thank you in the future.

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