How Non-Profits Can Improve and Survive the Pandemic

It’s been almost a year into the pandemic. While some people are starting to recover from the crisis, many are still suffering from the economic and health onslaught brought by the Corona Virus.

The U.S. is experiencing one of its biggest recessions. Thousands of Americans lost their jobs as many businesses across different industries took big hits from the pandemic. Around 20 million jobs were lost in April, affecting many families in the process.

Businesses were not the only ones affected. Non-profit organizations are also experiencing lower funding as well as a decreasing number of volunteers. Donations dropped and volunteers were also subject to restrictions implemented in their locality. The irony is, non-profit organizations have more people needing their help now in the time of a financial and health crisis.

Organizations, and even private individuals who do charitable work, often turn to websites such as GoFundMe to seek financial assistance. Crowdfunding sites a great way for people from all around the world to come together to support a noble cause. And in times when physical distancing is highly recommended, it certainly makes helping others more convenient and easier for everyone. Individual donations can greatly help non-profit organizations. People can also volunteer virtually to support non-profits.

Though the pandemic is a worrying time with all the uncertainty and demand it brings, it also presents an opportunity for organizations to reinvent and rethink how they operate.

Revisit The Impact You Want To Make

Non-profit organizations exist to make an impact on society. They help create and build healthy and well-rounded communities. They also help to support the economic stability of the community by providing job opportunities to its people.

To reinvent your organization, you must have a clear picture of the impact that you want to make. Gather everyone in your team to get a variety of inputs. Knowing the difference that you want to make and how you plan to deliver them can guide you in your next steps.

Revisiting your programs can also help in setting the organization’s priorities. While all programs are important and are undoubtedly valuable to different groups in your community, challenging times will require you to prioritize.

It is also a good time to assess each program. Does it contribute to the overall goal of the organization? Does it deliver the impact that you envision for your organization for the long term?

Review Your Finances


Once you have your programs in place and prioritized, you should also review your finances. How much will your programs cost? Knowing the costs of each program allows you to communicate to your stakeholders the cost of impact. You can also make plans on where and how you will source the funds needed for the implementation of the program.

Reviewing and taking stock of the costs needed to deliver your programs lets you create long-term strategies to increase your income to build your capacity. Your capacity will dictate how much you can do for your community. Of course, the more that you can do and deliver, the more donors will flock to your doors, allowing you to do more for your community.

Build Your Relationships

In this time of crisis, it may be difficult to increase your revenue stream. This is where your relationships with your donors come in. Their trust in your cause and your capability to help others will ensure their willingness and commitment to help you.

Relationships with donors and volunteers are important for non-profit organizations. The relationship of everyone within the team also matters. The success of a non-profit organization hinges on these relationships.

For a stronger relationship with your donors and partners, there must be trust and respect. You must be accountable and reliable so that your sponsors will be more willing to commit to your cause. Being transparent and honest with your partners can help build their trust in you.

Respect from both sides is essential for effective collaboration. Listen to the concerns and feedback of your partners. When all parties are heard and understood, teamwork can take place.

You can schedule one-on-one sessions with your sponsors and donors to listen to what motivates them. This will give you an idea of how they see their role in your organization, and how they feel about your cause. Give them updates on your programs and activities. You can also give them thoughtful and personalized gifts to show how much you appreciate their support.

Many non-profit organizations are struggling. Communities need them now more than ever, but there is a decline in the number of volunteers and donations. Some non-profits are hit worse than others. While the government can help ensure that these non-profit organizations survive, support from private individuals can greatly help them stay afloat.

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