Innovations and Tools Communities Need to Use amid COVID-19

COVID-19 has taken so much from us. From more than 200,000 deaths to income security loss to mental health decline, every American has lost something to this pandemic, in one way or another. Now more than ever, communities need to come together and unite to help slow down the infection.

We can see a level of unity in countries that have managed to bring down successfully the number of COVID-19 cases to zero. It will take action at a national level to ultimately stop COVID-19 and bring society back to a semblance of normalcy. However, communities would be smart to take advantage of practices, innovations, and tools during the pandemic to help slow down the spread of the virus and to make life easier for many while we wait out this crisis. Here are some of them.

Wi-Fi on Wheels

Wi-Fi on Wheels is what its name suggests—it’s a mobile Wi-Fi vehicle that aims to provide a high-speed internet connection to students in disadvantaged communities. The vehicles are parked in neighborhoods where internet access is slow or non-existent. Some creative districts decided that instead of bringing kids to school, they would use school buses to provide a reliable and speedy internet connection to kids who may not access it.

Founded in Hawaii, the non-profit group wanted to lessen the digital divide for kids who didn’t have the resources for a steady internet connection. Since then, other states like Los Angeles rolled out the same initiative to support underprivileged students to level the playing field with kids from more affluent households.

Hands-free door openers

Since the virus that causes COVID-19 transmits much like other coronaviruses that preceded it, one of the public health standards that the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been pushing for is frequent and thorough hand-washing. Since the virus can be transmitted through touching surfaces infected by the virus, establishments are advised to constantly sanitize and disinfect high-touch surfaces like doorknobs and other public levers. In contrast, people are advised to wash or sanitize their hands quickly after touching them.

Thankfully, various innovators have already come up with ways to make everything hands-free, including door-opening. Hands-free door openers are 3D-printed pieces that can be easily installed and only require people to insert their wrist to pull a door open. Other variations include stepping on a foot handle to open the door, eliminating the need for people to touch the handle. It’s a creative way to limit the spread of pathogens.

pandemic new normal

Contactless garbage removal

Because social distancing is key to reducing the spread of the infection, communities would be wise to adopt practices that decrease physical interactions or eliminate them. One way to lessen your interactions with other people is by hiring a garbage bin rental service.

If you’re getting rid of excess things in your home, doing some home upgrades or improvements, or want to throw out the trash from deep spring cleaning, consider hiring junk removal services to help you get rid of unwanted items. These services are designed not to cause damage to your driveway, and at the same time, they have trained individuals who can pick up your garbage without having to interact with you face-to-face. They take care of everything, from pick-up to disposal. They often donate what they can to partner non-profits, too, like Goodwill and Habitat for Humanity. Not only will they haul your junk for you, but you’re also helping out the planet and the disadvantaged sectors too.

Ventilators and masks

There are many patents for various kinds of masks and ventilators that can help slow or stop the spread of the virus. Here are two of them:

  • The Virustatic Shield has an antiviral and protective coating that is breathable and light, which was proven to capture the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
  • The COVID Emergency Ventilator is a machine that assists COVID-19 patients’ breathing and can clean a room of viral particles, making sure that the patients are breathing and supplied with purified air. It was invented by a Welsh doctor who also has experience in the military.

Innovation Is the Answer

Experts say that to beat COVID-19, we need to support various avenues of research. We need to fund scientists, epidemiologists, and researchers, as well as innovators and inventors. This pandemic presents the world with a difficult choice between public health and the economy. Still, with innovative solutions backed up by science and data, we can open a way where we don’t have to choose one over the other. We can have both.

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