How to manage your digital workflow efficiently

PaaS is short for Platform as a Service. It is a cloud computing model that lets users develop, manage, and run multiple applications efficiently. You don’t have to worry about the complexity of managing cloud platforms as PaaS provides you with ready-to-build environments.

With PaaS, you get multiple benefits including, cost-efficiency, time-savings, faster speed-to-market, and scalability. You can use it for several business use cases. Although PaaS offers several benefits, your success depends on the platform you choose.

There are many PaaS platforms, each having a unique set of advantages and disadvantages. Selecting the right PaaS platform for you depends on your needs. Access your needs and all the available platforms to evaluate the best one for you. Here are some best PaaS platforms to choose from.

7 PaaS platforms for your business

Every provider offers hosting services and deployment platforms. But they differ in their services such as infrastructure, maintenance, and scalability features. Let’s look at some best PaaS platforms.

1. ServiceNow

The ServiceNow’s Now platform allows automating your digital processes to reduce costs and time-to-market significantly. You get the ability to create, schedule, and maintain various workflows efficiently. The platform provides an Intelligent Automation Engine that uses a combination of Machine Learning (ML) and automated actions.

To become successful in using this platform for workflow efficiency, you need to ensure smooth ServiceNow implementation. If the implementation is correct, you will get the top performance.

2. AWS Elastic Beanstalk

AWS is among the top public cloud services providers in the market. Hence, it is no surprise that AWS Elastic Beanstalk makes it to this list. With Beanstalk, you get an easy way to deploy web applications and scale them.

You can deploy applications developed with programming languages, including Java, PHP, .NET, Node.js, Python, etc. The best thing about Beanstalk is that you don’t have to pay anything extra to use it. It is a part of the AWS service package. So you don’t have to spend an extra dollar to use it.

3. Oracle Cloud PaaS

Oracle Cloud PaaS lets you deploy feature-rich applications quickly. It uses ML and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide auto-infrastructure management. Thus, developers can now focus on what they are best at, building codes. They don’t have to worry anymore about the overall infrastructure and its management.

With such a self-repairing model, Oracle Cloud PaaS becomes a robust PaaS platform. Now, even the newbies who don’t have experience managing the infrastructure can use the Oracle platform to build and deploy applications and digital workflows.

4. Salesforce platform

Salesforce is an aPaaS (application Platform-as-a-Service) specifically designed for developing and deploying applications. You can use the Salesforce Heroku platform to manage apps with ease.  It offers all the premium PaaS services, including infrastructure, scalability, servers, security, storage, etc.

Alongside the platform, Salesforce also provides guides and sample codes with its “Lightning Design” system, thereby offering a learning curve. You can choose to start with the free trial and then select from a wide range of pricing options.

Digital Workforce

5. Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is another prominent cloud services provider alongside AWS. You get numerous options ranging from Azure App Service for building and using APIs to Azure functions for getting cloud resources on demand.

Microsoft Azure PaaS platform is a part of the Azure platform services alongside Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Like Salesforce, even Microsoft Azure starts with a free trial and offers a varied pay-as-you-go price range.

6. AWS Lambda

Another service offered by AWS, Lambda, is an easy-to-scale PaaS platform. All you need to do is upload your code, and everything right from its management to scalability is handled by AWS Lambda. With AWS Lambda, you can run almost any application and back-end service virtually without worrying about the infrastructure and administration.

The best thing about AWS Lambda is that you will be paying only when your code is running. This means that you don’t have to pay for it when your code is not in use.

7. Google App Engine

This Google’s PaaS platform is integrated with its Cloud Platform. Well, you can get an idea of the platform’s robustness from the fact that it uses the same infrastructure as Google’s Cloud platform. It supports all the popular programming languages.

Google App Engine can handle everything from infrastructure to provisioning to configuration and scalability for you. Even you can trust Google’s SSL/TSL certificates for security. Thus, you don’t have to worry about anything except uploading your code.

These are some best PaaS platforms out there. But before selecting which one will best suit your needs, access your organization’s compatibility with these platforms. Evaluating your current system thoroughly is the key step to help you get the perfect match for your business. Once you have the right PaaS platform, you can easily leverage all the benefits of this cloud model to boost your business’s productivity and revenue.

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