No Law Degree? No Problem!

Legal occupations are fool-proof career pathways if your goal is to rake in big bucks. However, similar to how a business venture works, it requires a significant investment before you can enjoy its returns.

To enter the law practice, you have to accomplish a time-consuming and extremely expensive education — plus, a difficult licensing exam. If you want to infiltrate the legal industry but doesn’t have a law degree, don’t give up your dream. There’s a substantial number of work opportunities for non-lawyers in the law field. Below, we’ll discuss several skills and a career that best suits them.

Fast typing speed + high focus level

This equation leads to the practice of court reporting. Court reporters or stenographers are professionals who are responsible for making accurate and verbatim transcript records of every single word spoken in a legal proceeding.

Thus, if you pursue this career, you need a good ear and really efficient fingers. Court reporters utilize a piece of stenographic equipment that enables them to transcribe in a rate of more than 200 words per minute. In addition, since this position appears to be facing a shortage of interested people, salaries offered to stenographers are sky-rocketing. In fact, in Phoenix, AZ, court reporters earn a median salary of $56,589, with the average range amounting between $40,830 and $74,067.

Marketing skills + creativity + tech-savvy

Every company needs marketing to boost business visibility, and law firms are not an exception. Hence, there’s a constant demand for law firm marketers in the legal industry.

As a law firm marketer, your main concern will be the marketing of your firm, a responsibility that typically involves various areas of marketing such as social engagement, web design and development, and advertisement placement. To become a legal marketer, a bachelor’s degree in marketing or a related program is a must. You may also be recommended to undergo formal training in legal ethics, although it’s not exactly required.

Knowledge in psychology or business + persuasive personality

mediator talking to a couple

If you have some knowledge and background in psychology and business strategies and are also good-natured and personable, an ideal pathway for you is the field of mediation. As a mediator, you’ll be handling legal disputes between companies or individuals outside the court.

Also called conciliators and arbitrators, mediators assist people and mediate between parties so they can settle arguments and reach an agreement that serves both of their interests. Although legal knowledge can be business leverage, it’s not a requirement to have a law degree (or any other degree for that matter). Additionally, a paralegal certification is an advantage as it can be a marketing tool to increase your salary and number of jobs, but it’s also not a requirement.

Contrary to popular belief, not all legal jobs necessitate a law degree. Of course, law education is a highly important corporate asset and also effective in boosting salary rates, but it’s not an absolute requirement if you don’t intend to practice litigation and court representation. Therefore, you can skip law school but still earn a lot. To find a career that suits your skills and interests, conduct considerable research and consult an expert in the field.

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