Prevent Your Business from These Common Hacking Techniques

As a small business owner, you have to be cautious when doing transactions online. Hackers are out there to steal your data, which can hurt your business. To prevent this, you have to secure your data.

One of the best ways to secure personal and business information online is by onboarding managed it services in your team. This kind of service provides expert protection against hackers. However, while you can depend on such service, you should also take the initiative to familiarize yourself with hacking techniques commonly used today.


Malware is malicious software that can perform a variety of functions to steal your data. For instance, malware can delete or steal sensitive data from your system. It can also track your activities online or modify the core functionalities of a system.

Some examples of malware are viruses, Trojan horse, spyware, and keylogger. Malware can be installed in your system in various ways. It can be thru clicking unknown links or installing pirated software.

How to prevent: Exercise caution when clicking links. Also, only install legit software from reliable app stores. And don’t forget to keep your anti-malware and OS updated regularly.


In this technique, hackers use fake emails to pretend as a well-known person or organization. It lures victims to divulge sensitive information like a password or bank account number. Often, hackers create a sense of urgency or panic to trick their victims into giving their personal details.

For instance, you received an email supposedly from your bank, alerting you that your account has been hacked. The phishing email provided a link that directs to a look-alike website. When you enter your bank details in the said website, your information will then go to the hacker’s server.

How to prevent: Always be cautious when clicking suspicious emails. Check for spelling or grammatical errors in email addresses or domain names. Also, don’t give in to panic when the email is claiming urgency. Instead, assess the situation carefully. A little common sense can help you tremendously when facing this modus.

phishing alert notification

Insecure networks

When you connect to “free” public Wi-Fi, you’re exposing yourself to online threats. This allows hackers to take control of your system, risking sensitive information in the process. Before you connect, remember that these networks are not secured.

The next time you go to the airport or spend time in your favorite coffee shop, think twice before connecting to their Wi-Fi. A malicious hacker may just be waiting for an opportunity to snoop on your files, risking your business.

How to prevent: Don’t connect your device to any open Wi-Fi networks. If you’re connected to public networks, avoid accessing critical information in your files or doing bank transactions. The same goes for your Wi-fi. Secure your network with strong encryption as this can be easily hacked, too.

Bait and Switch

Hackers would even go as far as buying advertising spaces on websites to hack your system. Why not if they can get plenty of bank account information that they can use to earn a profit? In bait and switch, hackers use the ad banners, sidebars, and pop-up ads they bought to direct you on a malware-infected page.

To gain clicks, hackers make sure the ads look enticing for unsuspecting victims. They would register with a verifiable email address and a legit-looking website. When the ad is up, and you click on it, boom! Their job is done.

How to prevent: Avoid clicking on random ads. Also, ad blockers will help you minimize the temptation on clicking on one. If ads are blocked, you can’t see it, and if you can’t see it, you won’t click on it.

As a business owner, it is your responsibility to secure your company’s data. Don’t fall for the traps mentioned above, and always be wary of your activities online. For ultimate protection, consider hiring managed IT services for your business.

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