To DIY or Not to DIY: A Big Question in the Modern World

We see a lot of DIY projects on TV, on the internet, and in magazines. Maybe our friends share their successful DIY projects on social media. They look so easy and so fun to do. Just grab your tools, spend an afternoon, and poof! You got your victorious DIY project! But is it really that easy, or is there more to it than what we see?

Why DIY? Why Should You DIY?

There are many reasons to get your hands dirty and do some do-it-yourself work. Perhaps you like working with your hands, or enjoy tinkering and fixing things. There is a satisfaction in fixing something that was broken; there’s no denying that. Or maybe there are no readily available repair shops near your place. Whatever your reasons are, we’re here to tell you straight up: DIY isn’t for everyone.

We’re not discouraging you from getting some elbow grease. There are simply a lot of things to consider before you decide whether it’s worth taking a crack at. Here’s a quick checklist of thoughts to ponder, and hopefully, by the end, you’ll have more idea whether DIY is more efficient than professional help.

Do You Have the Right Equipment?

Whatever project it is you’re doing, there’s bound to be some specific tools necessary for the job. Repairing a car requires you to have a certain set of tools, like a jack or wrenches. You don’t want to open up your car and then realize halfway that you can’t get to the engine because you’re missing a wrench. You would have wasted time and energy doing so. It’s better to know the tools you need beforehand, as it makes your attempt more worthwhile, and you have a higher chance of actually fixing whatever it is you need to fix.

Another point to consider is specialized tools. You might encounter some situations where you’ll need specialized equipment- and have the skills necessary to operate them. You might fancy yourself a tech enthusiast, but repairing your computer motherboard might need some soldering. If you have a solder, that’s great. But if you don’t, not only do you need to purchase one but also know how to utilize it.

Ask yourself, do you have the necessary equipment, and do you know how to operate them?

Do You Know How It Works?

Making mistakes is part of repair work. But there’s a difference between a preventable, petty mistake and one that’s made out of dangerous ignorance. A couple of years ago, instead of hiring a professional plumbing contractor, some people in the UK decided to repair their plumbing on their own. The result was disastrous: many of the pipes were disconnected, and the foul water that was supposed to be sent to treatment plants got routed to rivers instead.

Before doing DIY repair, it’s best to have made a proper diagnosis of not just the problem, but of potential solutions. Knowing how the nature of whatever it is you’re fixing is crucial to making sure you’re fixing it and not actually doing more damage.

Ask yourself, do you know how what’s wrong, and do you know how to fix it?

Is It Easy Enough to Do?

fixing the air conditioner

Perhaps you know what’s wrong, and you even know how to fix it. But that shouldn’t be the deciding factor on whether or not you should repair it yourself. You might know what’s wrong and have an idea of how to fix it, but ultimately, there will be potential problems you might encounter in the troubleshooting process. These can range from operator error, like connecting a pin to the wrong slot, to something more intricate, like disassembling the whole machine just to fix a small part.

All repairs are different, with varying machines come varying difficulties. It’s relatively easy to replace the built-in keyboard of a laptop, but replacing its screen can sometimes require dismantling the entire laptop just to gain access to the top part. There’s also technical skill involved, as you might not have the finger dexterity to repair small parts or enough strength and technique to build a table from scratch.

Ask yourself, is it easy enough that you can do it?

Is Professional Help Cheaper?

Ultimately, a professional can do a better job than an amateur or a hobbyist. If you’re considering DIY to save money, consider first whether the replacement part, time, and effort are all worth it. Sometimes, you just might realize that hiring a professional to do it for you is a lot cheaper than doing it yourself. Most of the time, it’s recommended to have professionals do it due to the skill required. However, if you’re truly set on doing it yourself, and have the knowledge and necessary equipment, then so by all means.

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