Innovative Practices


No Help Is Too Little: The Value of Kindness Movements During the Pandemic

According to the International Labour Organization, at least 114 million jobs were lost in 2020 due to the pandemic. Worse, more people went hungry last year. The State of Food and Nutrition in the World 2021 reported that at least 811 million people across experienced hunger due to economic decline. This global pandemic could have brought out

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software developer

The Most Lucrative Small-scale Business Options

You can’t become wealthy immediately; you have to start short by generating a healthy income. By being your boss, you could have a lifestyle with flexibility just at the palm of your hand. A home-based business can be challenging to start, and finding lucrative internet business appraisals can even be more daunting. Even though there are countless

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management reading a document

Implementing Strategies for Growth: Considerations for Business Development

Entrepreneurs and business owners often try their best to find ways to grow and improve their businesses. Most of them start by coming up with a smart plan that helps them achieve business goals. Unfortunately, not all of them know how to apply or implement the right strategies to follow their business plans. This means

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A Successful Educational Path: An Investment in Your Future

The choice of educational pathway is critical for students in Singapore and the rest of the world. Global employers apply stringent standards when assessing candidates, and the world’s best universities have exacting qualifications when accepting students for their higher education programs. It’s an increasingly competitive world, and those who want to succeed must determine an

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man doing IT

Tech Licenses and Certifications You Can Get to Help Your Career

The tech industry has seen a great deal of growth over the past couple of decades, and this trend is expected to continue as more people enter the workforce. You should take note that those who have received training on various platforms and operating systems are in high demand across many industries. It’s only logical

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Climate Change in Europe: Vector-borne and Parasitic Diseases

Climate change is altering the weather in many parts of Europe. According to an article published in December 2020 in The Lancet, there have been more frequent and more intense extreme heat events with worsening durations in Europe in the previous decades. There has been less rainfall in countries of southern Europe while heavy rainfall

Climate Change in Europe: Vector-borne and Parasitic Diseases Read More »

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