Shelving Systems to Consider for Your Store or Warehouse

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an online or offline store. Now is a great time to do retail in New Zealand. Consumer spending in New Zealand reached over $92 billion in March 2018. The growth was fast that it eventually outpaced Australia within the same period.

The question is, do you have enough space in your store to showcase all your products? Do you have ample storage in your warehouse or fulfilment facility? If you need to expand your inventory without spending more on space, you can consider the different types of shelving.

Fixed Shelving

There are two types of fixed shelving systems. The first one is with brackets. Also known as suspension shelving, these systems use individual or a group of brackets. This makes it ideal for a more modular design. This type of shelving is also excellent when you want strong support for your goods.

Makers of wall brackets can now provide different designs, styles, and materials for the brackets. If you’re aiming for an industrial look, metallic ones, including wrought-iron, are excellent choices. For something more elegant, wood will not disappoint.

Another kind of fixed shelving is built-in. It is a fantastic option if you want to maximise the walls from top to bottom. It also allows you to use the tight or awkward corners and spaces. Builders can make these on-site or off-site, which can significantly reduce the construction or remodelling costs and time.

Stand-alone Shelving

These are racks comprised of many layers. They can be as many as ten or as short as two or three. They can also be broad, spanning walls, or tall, which means they cover from floor to ceiling.

These shelves can have spaces where you can attach nuts and bolts. These may be necessary for an earthquake-prone country like New Zealand. This system secures the shelves to the walls. To complement them, you might also have to invest in meshes or nets. They can catch boxes or crates that accidentally fall.

The great thing about these shelves is that they are scalable. In other words, you can buy them as you add more products to your store or warehouse. You can even adjust each layer according to the size of the boxes. The biggest downside is that they can take up a lot of floor space. You have limited designs, and they can make the store appear cluttered.

Top-hung Shelves

Man looking at shelves

Top-hung shelves are unique. In this system, cables provide support to the shelves as they hang from the ceiling. They can also have brackets that can connect every layer. You can further improve their function by perhaps adding lighting underneath. The challenge with this one is when you have a low ceiling. It can make space appear even smaller.

When it comes to choosing the right shelving, you have many factors to consider. In the end, when necessary, learn to combine them. The most important thing is that you make the most of your limited resource, which is space, without compromising function, aesthetics and safety.

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