Technological Advancements in the Plumbing Industry

Technology has been one of the strongest driving forces of progress in civilization. As exciting as innovations in information and communication, quantum physics, and biological engineering are, they are far from the only frontiers for advancement. Technology makes daily life better because it covers most, if not all, facets of it. This article will focus on the technological advancements in the plumbing industry—something that undeniably affects everyone, but can just as easily be overlooked.

For the average consumer, it may seem like there haven’t been a lot of changes in the plumbing industry because of how straightforward everything looks. However, there have been revolutionary changes here as well. A working understanding of these innovations can also help mitigate costly and tedious adjustments or repairs down the road.


According to The Washington Post, what used to be ruled by cast iron and galvanized iron, domestic drainage and water supply lines have seen monumental changes. This was brought on by the susceptibility of iron pipes to leakage and corrosion. When corroded materials build up, they also caused clogs in the system. This was later addressed by better spun cast iron and plastic pipes. Today, plastic pipes are more resilient, durable, and light than ever.

For industrial piping, there have been many contenders, but stainless pipes and fittings emerged as the best choice. The incredible resistance to corrosion meant that these systems are able to withstand decades of use. In fact, according to World Stainless, some industrial applications of stainless steel can survive for much longer than 25 years. The material has also been found to be more sustainable and friendly to the environment.

various pipes in a box

Water Heaters

The invention of tankless water heaters makes hot water more accessible to more people. Since it doesn’t require a storage unit or ‘tank’ to hold hot water that is on perpetual standby, the system is effectively smaller, more convenient, and more targeted. According to the US Department of Energy, this technology can achieve as much as 50 per cent energy savings for an average household.

These devices work by heating water up as it is needed. This is also why these heaters are also called demand-type or instantaneous. The cold water that enters one part of the system is heated either using a gas burner or an electric element.

It’s safe to assume that although these heaters are already being used in many situations, the technology is still improving, especially in increasing the flow of water. For maximum household savings, the Government’s Energy Rating website can help.

Gray Water Systems

In simplest terms, gray water is the used water from the sink, shower, tub, and washing machines. These systems are a way to reuse this water for plant irrigation. Aside from the obvious savings this brings to water consumption, gray water has real benefits for the plants as well. This water usually has fertilizer qualities that help plants grow better.

These systems also reduce the chances that gray water may end up polluting rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. This is an excellent and simple way to help the environment, while saving water and money in the process.

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