Community Transformation

person holding vaccine

Three Ways to Prepare Your Community for COVID-19 Vaccinations

The pandemic has ravaged the United States, with fatalities now reaching 500,000 and infections still gradually increasing every day. Last year, many were preparing for the worst as the cases continued to increase. However, by the end of last year, vaccines to combat the virus were rolled out. Due to many unforeseen circumstances, health workers had

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group of people

Community Development: Things You Should Consider When Developing Your Community

Living in a community means that you get the best out of your properties and homes. Real estate developers concentrate as much as they can on this. However, later on down the line, it’ll be up to the homeowners themselves to handle it. They would still be around to supervise various legal actions that the

Community Development: Things You Should Consider When Developing Your Community Read More »

fundraising campaign

The Elements You Need to Start a Relief Program for Your Community

The pandemic made a lot of people suffer, even if it is already past the one-year mark. Fortunately, most people and businesses managed to adjust to the new normal by following crucial social distancing rules and securing survival necessities. However, you will find that others are not fortunate enough to maintain comfort during the pandemic,

The Elements You Need to Start a Relief Program for Your Community Read More »

Community-driven Change For Social Well-being In SMEs

Despite the limitations of distance and the restrictions of health and safety concerns, community organizations remain important stakeholders and key actors in caring for the social health and well-being of their members. That includes you, the people around you, and even the local businesses around every corner. You’re all in this together as you traverse

Community-driven Change For Social Well-being In SMEs Read More »

distracted driving holding phone

Reckless Driving Behavior Increase Accident Rates Despite COVID-19

People who have tried driving anytime after the March lockdowns would notice how the coronavirus has drastically changed the number of vehicles on the road. Roads that were usually full of cars and people are relatively clearer. With lesser people commuting or driving to work, many people wish there would be fewer car accidents. Although

Reckless Driving Behavior Increase Accident Rates Despite COVID-19 Read More »

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