Increase Your Chances of Success by Hiring a Brain Injury Lawyer

Many people have their lives turned upside down when they are unfortunate enough to suffer a traumatic brain injury. Without adequate compensation to fund the necessary treatment, their lives can only get worse.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a blow, jolt, or bump in the head interferes with normal brain function and is a leading cause of death in the U.S. Such accidents result in the loss of 153 lives daily, working out to about 30 percent of injury-related fatalities.

Survivors of such injuries often have to live with the effects for the rest of their lives. They have to contend with impaired thinking, memory loss, and emotional impairment as long as they live. Given that taking care of such a person comes at a high cost, it is only fair that you pursue compensation. A seasoned brain injury attorney in Los Angeles can help you with this feat.

Present Substantial Evidence

Winning a brain injury claim is an uphill task as you need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the other party is responsible for the injury and other damages. You’ll need to table evidence to the court or insurers, detailing how the injury to the brain has affected your life. You need to demonstrate how it affects your health, relationships, work, and well-being.

By consulting a seasoned lawyer, you can increase the validity of your case. They will gather all the necessary documents to support your claims, get the relevant medical testimony, and build your case for the court or insurance company.

Get Maximum Compensation

Lawyer with client

The ability to recover from a brain injury depends on the nature and extent of the injury, with extensive injuries resulting in permanent damages. As a result, the family of the injured person has to endure an economic cost. In the case of mild injuries, about 40 percent of injured people can secure employment after nearly two years.

Research indicates that the average cost of treating a patient with a traumatic injury ranges from $85,000 to $3 million. Hiring a seasoned attorney increases your chances of securing the necessary funds to ensure that your loved one gets the treatment required. With proper treatment, your loved one might recover well enough to the point where they can function normally and secure employment.

Navigate the Complex Judicial Systems

As with any legal processes, filing a traumatic brain injury claim is a highly complicated process that is laden with lots of paperwork. There are numerous documents to submit and present. Without the help of a legal counsel, you don’t stand a chance in making your case heard.

You will be up against a battery of hotshot lawyers from the defendant’s insurance company. Having a seasoned lawyer in your corner brings the case to a speedy conclusion. Your attorney will ensure that you never miss a court date.

Brain injuries have a devastating effect on the patient’s life and can subject them to suffering. The costs associated with treating such injuries are also astronomical. Therefore, it’s only fair that you get adequate compensation to help you improve your loved one’s quality of life.

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